Many a times, we have come across situations where we want to create nice and stylish buttons on a home screen or a dashboard such as shown below.

Button component using Icon, Label and Button Control

In PowerApps, the out of the box button controls do not support such properties yet. We cannot insert an image or icon inside a button. So, in this blog I am going to show simple step by step process to create a custom button component and use it in our app.

Use Case Definition: We have certain screens in our app and we have a Home Screen which will contain our custom button components and on the click of each button components, it will navigate to the desired screen as shown below:

Screen Navigation using CustomButton components

Tabel of contents


This blog assumes that you have fair understanding of working with PowerApps Studio and it’s features. Also, it is assumed that you are familiar with designing screens using various controls.

Setting up demo App

To start with this app, let’s create a new Canvas app in the PowerApps Studio.

Let’s add three screens in the app: HomeScreen, AddNewUser and OtherApps.

Let’s keep the Home Screen blank for now. But for the other two screens I will design them simply by adding a New Screen and use the Success template. I have changed the label Text property to You arrived to Add New User Screen and You arrived to Other Apps Screen respectively.

AddNewUser Screen

Now, in the OnStart property of the App component, I will add the below code. This will create a collection named colAppLinks which contains two columns: Name and ScreenName.

Creating Custom Button Component

Now, I will create a New Component called customButtonComponent. And the first thing I have added to this component is a custom input property called appName. I have done it by clicking on New Custom Property in the Properties pane. This property will be used later to set the name to refer to which screen it should navigate to. This name inout should be one of the values in the Name column specified in the collection colAppLinks.

I will start adding the three controls Label, Icon and Button in this component.

First add the Label and rename it to app_lbl. Its Text Property is set to appName which is the custom input property I have created above. So this will display the name of the app to which the button will navigate before hovering on it.

Next, insert any icon from the Insert menu and set its Icon Property to the following code as displayed in the below screenshot. Here, I am defining the icons to be used for each screens. (you can use any icons of your choice)

    "Add New User",Icon.Add,
    "Other Apps",Icon.Items,
    "My Settings",Icon.Settings,
    "My Reports",Icon.Trending,
    "My Resources",Icon.People,
    "My Profile",Icon.Person

Last control to add is the Button control in front of the label and icon controls.

Set the OnSelect property of the button to Navigate(LookUp(colAppLinks,Name = app_lbl.Text,ScreenName))

So, according to the name of the screen which is provided into the component, it will navigate to the respective screen by searching for it from the collection which I created in the beginning in App OnStart property.

Also, set it Fill property as below:

Fill = ColorFade(RGBA(25,25,112,0),-50%)

Now on hover of this button control, I want to change the color of the background and highlight the screen name only. The screen name will be displayed as the Text property of the button.

So, I will set the Text property of this button control to the following code: which means if I give Add New User as input to the appName property, the Text property of the button will be set to Add New User. And this text will be visible on OnHover only because of the color code.

"Add New User","Add New User",
"Other Apps","Other Apps",
"My Settings","My Settings",
"My Reports","My Reports",
"My Resources","My Resources",
"My Profile","My Profile"

The above will become handy if you want to display headers on the Label and Button overlay text.

Or if you want to keep the text same for both label and button overlay, simplify the code as:


Also, I want to hide the label and the icon on hover, so I will fill the button background on hover with this code.

HoverFill = ColorFade(RGBA(0, 96, 178, 1), -50%)

Once this is done, I will group these controls by selecting all three of them and selecting Group after right click. I will rename the group to selectAppButton.(even if you do not group, it is fine).

Now our button component is ready. And I will use it in my Home screen.

Using the custom button component

I added a blank screen in the app in the beginning. Inside this screen, I will add a Horizontal Container where the button components will be inserted. Make sure you give the requried Gap property value to provide gaps between the button components to be inserted inside the container.

Also turn On Wrap property. This will make sure that button components do not overflow and remain inside the container.

Now from the Insert (+) option in the left hand side, under Custom , I will select the customButtonComponent which I have created. Similarly, I will add the components as many times as I want inside the container.

I will also rename each components to their suitable names in the navigation pane. And inorder to update the Text property of the label and the button, and the Icon, I will give name of the screens to each custom button component.

Below screenshot shows how I have done for Add New User button component. Repeat the same for other button components too. Give the appName as Other Apps, My Settings etc.(as per how I have created the screen names in the collection above).

With this, the required configuration is done and the buttons are ready to be run.

Custom Button with Icons and Labels In Action

Thank you being till here. Hope you found it helpful. See you in the next blog.